Tag: Abortion

  • The fertility Crisis is Real

    The fertility Crisis is Real

    Over the past 40 years, Western men have experienced a 50% decline in sperm counts.

  • Grave risks of Abortion Pills

    Grave risks of Abortion Pills

    Last February, Times of Malta reported: “A local service offering abortion and reproductive health advice received just over 200 requests for help in the first six months since its launch in the middle of the pandemic. Family Planning Advisory Ser­vice…

  • Jiddispjaċihom li għamlu l-Abort

    Jiddispjaċihom li għamlu l-Abort

    Nancy Flanders ta’ Live Action fil-USA tgħid li  bħala soċjeta qeghdin inkunu bombardati il-ħin kollu bi kliem favur l-abort u li f’certi cirkostanzi l-abort huwa bżonnjuż. L-abort m’hu qatt ħaġa tajba. Tkun qed toqtol tarbija fil-ġuf u tħalli omm għal għomora kollu bir-rimors li kienet hi stess li neħħiet il-ħajja tat-tarbija fil-ġuf tagħha. Hawn qed jinġiebu d-dispjaciri…