The Charter for the Rights, Protection, and Development of Unborn Children in the Maltese Islands is a comprehensive document aimed at fostering a collective effort among organizations, institutions, and stakeholders, both within and outside the movement. Its primary objective is to promote the rights, protection, and development of all unborn children in the Maltese Islands through diverse and individualized approaches.
Inciting murder of the unborn
It is shocking, to say the least, to see a medical professional blatantly admitting to advising people to break the law, and to publicly advise them how, when and where to do it, and have this backed by the liberal media that willingly give them exposure. The absolute majority of the people of Malta are…
Obstetricians and abortion
An obstetrician is a medical doctor who specialises in pregnancy, childbirth and a woman’s reproductive system. In 2011, a group of researchers conducted a study about abortion provision among practising obstetricians and gynaecologists in the US. They published their findings in The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. They said “… they…
Opinion: The dishonest abortion lobby
From 1973 to 2022, the US Supreme Court rulings in Roe v Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992) created and maintained federal protection for a pregnant woman’s right to get an abortion. On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court explicitly overturned Roe v Wade. After the passage of Roe v Wade in 1973, Bernard Nathanson, a US obstetrician and gynaecologist, became director…
Paediatric care of the unborn
Many ex-abortion doctors, especially in the US, have testified that unborn children are alive since they possess the hallmark of life – the ability to reproduce dying cells.
We can all prevent Deaths
Allowing life to be cut short to save the mother seems to be a reasonable balance of rights but any lighter excuse would invite a deluge.
Waqt li t-twelid jgħaxxqek, l-abort Ikexkxek
Intervent mill-ġinekologu il-professur George Gregory Buttigieg waqt ċelebrazzjoni favur il-ħajja li saret fil-konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Ħajja, organizzata mimill Malta Unborn Child Platform fil Movt ta Kana I-Hadd, 5-2-2023 ghal darb’ohra mill-2007.
Il-ħajja ma Għandhiex Prezz
Omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Monsinjur Joseph Galea Curmi fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Gwann fl-okkazjoni ta’ Jum il-Ħajja 5-2-2023 organizzat, ghal darb’ohra mill-2007, mill-Malta Unborn Child Platform, issa fil-Movt ta’ Kana.
The fertility Crisis is Real
Over the past 40 years, Western men have experienced a 50% decline in sperm counts.
Grave risks of Abortion Pills
Last February, Times of Malta reported: “A local service offering abortion and reproductive health advice received just over 200 requests for help in the first six months since its launch in the middle of the pandemic. Family Planning Advisory Service…
Jiddispjaċihom li għamlu l-Abort
Nancy Flanders ta’ Live Action fil-USA tgħid li bħala soċjeta qeghdin inkunu bombardati il-ħin kollu bi kliem favur l-abort u li f’certi cirkostanzi l-abort huwa bżonnjuż. L-abort m’hu qatt ħaġa tajba. Tkun qed toqtol tarbija fil-ġuf u tħalli omm għal għomora kollu bir-rimors li kienet hi stess li neħħiet il-ħajja tat-tarbija fil-ġuf tagħha. Hawn qed jinġiebu d-dispjaciri…